Ended Monday, September 30th, 2019 at 1:46 PM
Total Donation Goal $2,565 $2,565.57 Funded
This campaign has ended and has been fully funded. If you made a donation, thank you.
About this Campaign
The Lincoln Southeast band program is seeking funds to purchase a xylophone. Our current xylophone is 20+ years old and is in extremely poor condition from many years of use. It is nearly unplayable.
A xylophone is a keyboard instrument within the percussion family that is used in a variety of settings, including the marching band, concert bands, percussion ensemble, as well as musical productions.
This instrument would open many doors for our students including:
• Increased student engagement/more participation in class
• Opportunities for more students to practice and develop their musicianship in the limited time frame of school hours only
• Leveling the playing field for honor bands, music majors, and other competitive auditions our students might experience
The annual budget for instrumental music at LSE is spent primarily on consumables such as music folders, drumheads, sticks/mallets, etc. Large pieces of equipment are very challenging to purchase with the limited allotment of annual funds -- making your gifts even more meaningful to LSE students.
Requesting $2,250 plus cost reimbursement.
Thank you for considering a donation to our cause!