Ended Friday, June 7th, 2019 at 6:00 PM
Total Donation Goal $3,420 $125.00 Funded
This campaign has ended. If you made a donation, thank you.
About this Campaign
The Dream of Going to Nationals
If you look at the background image above, you can see the entire LSE Speech & Debate Team from our pre-season BBQ. This event kicked off one of the most successful seasons in Lincoln Southeast's history. Our programs grew immensely this past season, with both teams expanding our rosters from previous seasons. This was wonderful because it meant more kids were seeing the value of competitive forensics, however, it also meant our respective team's activity budgets were strained as we paid more entry fees and hired more judges throughout our five-month season.
To cap off a winning season, we had four students--Sandra, Alex, Sam, and Sara--qualify to attend the National Speech & Debate Association tournament in Dallas, TX this June. They will be competing in Duet Acting, Congressional Debate, and World Schools Debate. This great opportunity to compete against students from across the United States is an educational experience unlike any other.
We are in need of funds to pay for our van rental, gasoline, and hotels. Please consider donating any amount to help Sandra, Alex, Sam, and Sara afford this amazing event. Their coaches are so proud of them and want to make the experience as affordable as possible. Requesting $3,000 plus cost reimbursement. Gifts to this campaign are not tax deductible. Thank you!
Sam Segrist (Head Debate Coach)
& Tommy Bender (Head Speech Coach)