Ended Friday, January 15th, 2021 at 7:00 PM
Total Donation Goal $2,280 $2,380.51 Funded
This campaign has ended and has been fully funded. If you made a donation, thank you.
About this Campaign
I am hoping for $2,000 to buy replacement books lost or damaged after the school closure in March. Huntington Elementary is a Title I school where students love the magic of a good story.
I’ve heard many heartbreaking stories of students who can’t bring their books back because they have had to move several times since the pandemic began. Some of our students never returned to Huntington after the school closure in the spring.
I also have many books that have been returned with pages falling out or covers coming off from being read so much because it was one of the few books students had at home when schools closed in March. I’ve done my best to glue and tape them back together but some are beyond repair.
The average cost of a hardcover library book is around $15. Funding of $2,000 plus cost reimbursement would buy approximately 130 replacement books for our library. Thank you for considering funding this need to get books back into the hands of students!
Update - Jan 21st, 2021 at 2:49PM
A big thank you to the donors who funded our Library Books to Spread the Love of Reading campaign! Books have been ordered and students are excited for them to arrive. We appreciate your generosity to make this all possible!
Update - Feb 23rd, 2021 at 11:34PM

Our new books have started arriving. This represents only part of the book order. We were able to purchase 153 books! The students are so excited to have new books to check out. Thank you so much for donating and making this possible!