Ends Friday, June 6th, 2025 at 6:00 PM
Total Donation Goal $4,561 $3,500.00 Funded
This campaign still needs $1,061.01 within 3 months!
About this Campaign
This LPS American Indian Education Fund provides LPS Students with opportunities and experiences that are often unavailable without this support due to a variety of circumstances. Our students' needs at times exceed our current capacity, through this fund we are able to level the playing field and mitigate the obstacles that slow our students' achievement. Requesting $4,000 plus cost reimbursement.
This fund provides the flexibility that is needed to craft individual and group supports without the restrictive conditions that often limit the capacity to provide all that is needed to truly support the students and families.
Your gifts will provide the encompassing layer allowing LPS to deepen our efforts toward improving the educational, social, and emotional outcomes for our American Indian Students. As Rupert Ross states, "Clearly you cannot control the waves that constantly form beneath and around you. They will come, driven by forces far outside your control, many of them unleashed long before you were born. You can, however, like an ocean surfer, learn to ride them ... successfully ... . To do so, however, we must honor, nourish, and use the education that can release that capacity in all of us." (Returning to the Teachings. 2006. Penguin Canada. Pgs. 78-79)