Ended Friday, October 6th, 2023 at 3:07 PM
Total Donation Goal $2,166 $2,166.48 Funded
This campaign has ended and has been fully funded. If you made a donation, thank you.
About this Campaign
Hello! My name is Kaylin Gardner and I am the K-5 Music Teacher at Arnold Elementary. Over the past two years, I have been working towards my Orff-Schulwerk Certification. Through this process, my student have been using our Orff Instruments (Xylophones and Glockenspiels) more and more! They are enjoying playing song, exploring, composing, and improvising.
In my room, there is not adequate storage. My instruments have to sit out or be stacked, which deters me from using them. They are heavy, hard to move, and in the way for some activities, making transitions hard. I am striving to have them out and accessible to my students so we can use them on a more regular basis. I also share my room in the morning with our band, choir, strings ensembles. Daily, the instruments must be moved out of the way and placed back. This takes quite a bit of time. Currently, my flip form risers are laying flat with the instruments on them. To tear down the set-up and set back up takes a total of 30 minutes or so, and hurts my back. I am asking for donations of $1,900 plus cost reimbursement to purchase 12 stands/tables.
I am asking for fund to buy wheeled carts for my classroom. I would need seven stands and five tables to set on. They would been on wheels, which would save me a lot of time in transitions and effort. This would allow the students and I to move them back and forth with ease, allowing for more use and accessibility to the students. This will also ease afternoon and morning set-ups for ensembles and classroom teaching.
Thank you so much for your consideration! These instruments are amazing and I am looking forward to putting in the instruments in their hands more often.
Kaylin Gardner