72% Funded

Ends Tuesday, June 3rd, 2025 at 4:38 PM

Total Donation Goal $1,733 $1,252.00 Funded

This campaign still needs $481.19 within 2 months!

3 Jan

About this Campaign

Our 6th grade Language Arts classes at Scott Middle School read a lot of books! It is not easy to find a class set of books, so we can all read the same book at the same time. That is why we are asking for a class set of eight different books. The books include both modern and historical perspective of a wide range of characters who have varying life experiences. Each of these books gives students a chance to see inside the mind of a student who is their same age. The book may give them insight into another person's life, or maybe it will make them think, "This character is just like me! I have those same feelings!" Students read the books with their classmates and then talk about their reactions. It is our hope the students start to see the world differently and become more empathic toward others whose life may or may not be different than their own. Requesting $1520.00 plus cost reimbursement.

Donation History

Anonymous $100
Anonymous $10
Kevin McCaffrey $142
Anonymous $100
Anonymous $20
Anonymous $20
Anonymous $10
Chelsea Hadwiger $25
Anonymous $25
Anonymous $50
Kevin McCaffrey $142
Chris & Amy Johnson $100
Anonymous $100
Anonymous $100
Anonymous $100
Jeannine Bryant $100
Anonymous $100
Anonymous $100
Anonymous $50
Anonymous $50