Ended Friday, March 25th, 2022 at 6:00 PM
Total Donation Goal $25,000 $14,995.00 Funded
This campaign has ended. If you made a donation, thank you.
About this Campaign
Dear Lincoln moms and dads, grandparents and caring citizens,
As the weather here in Lincoln starts to cool, most parents begin to think about pulling out fall and winter clothes. The annual changing of seasons, but totes of cold weather gear don’t wait in storage rooms and closets for all of our kids.
In the nearly 20 years of this LPS elementary principal-led fundraiser, the need is apparent. It’s apparent in:
The students that come to school in coats that have seen multiple years of wear by older siblings, passed down time and time again, now threadbare.
The kids that wait far too long to don a heavy coat to protect against harsh winds of November, because the only jacket they have is one more appropriate for a chilly day in May.
And most of all, it’s apparent on a Saturday morning in November when LPS families stand in a line that wraps around a school building an hour before the start time of our annual coat drive and this year will be no different.
What will be different this year is the challenge we face in trying to raise $20,000 to purchase new coats for students. You see, due to COVID-19, we believe the number of families that need help will most likely be greater than past years'. COVID-19 also means that the coats we accept this year must be new to ensure the health and safety of families receiving this much-needed winter gear and our volunteers.
That’s where you come in. We are asking for your help in two ways.
Provide a gift of…
$20 = chip in!
$35 = 1 heavy duty winter coat
$70 = Provide coats for a sibling pair
$140 = Outfit a family (4 kids) with much needed winter gear
Share this campaign.
• Post, tweet, and share this link: https://bit.ly/lps_winter_coats
• Challenge your friends to purchase a coat for an LPS student
• Ask your employers if they will match your gift.
To reach the goal of $25,000 plus campaign costs, we need Lincoln to get involved and step up to be there for all of our kids. Lincoln now is your time to shine!
LPS Elementary School Principals & Bubba’s Closet